Pastor Don Elliott
Worship Leader David Duncan
Sunday, June 20 2021
10:00 am @ Freddy T’s
In the message this coming Sunday, we will be looking at an episode in the life of David when, as a father, his heart is broken. The truth is that David had his heart broken often as a father, but one time stands out among them all.
It has to do with his son, Absalom.
It is a time when a man after God’s own heart has his heart broken.
It is not easy to grasp, but as fathers
(and as all believers) we are not immune to having our hearts broken for many and varied reasons.
But we are never without hope.
As a matter of fact, our hearts being broken helps
us to understand our God, our heavenly Father, a little more deeply and truthfully.
We also have a special gift for all fathers (and grandfathers) who worship at Grace Chapel. It is going to be something special.
Dr. Pratt will be preaching and he will be tackling the episode in David’s life that we all have heard about from childhood…David and Goliath.
Also next Sunday, Cade Plunk will be reporting to the church about his trip to Mexico.