Most of the time we think of love in the most positive of terms. Love is considerate. Love is sensitive. Love is giving. Love is great!!!
But this week we will see the Apostle Paul tell us that love is NOT some things. In other words, real love, biblical love, godly love will not be or do everything. Real love will say NO to some things. Godly love is a virtue that avoids vices. Love is not always a positive. Sometimes it is a negative.
This week we will look at the first negative in Paul’s list: LOVE DOES NOT ENVY.
Envy is interested. It is unseen, but it is behind many of our thoughts, words and actions. It has many masks. It can appear to be jealousy, greed, resentment, gossip, covetousness, depression, and even anger. But you can be sure envy is behind almost all of those masks. It appears to be innocent: you will not get arrested for being envious and your closest friend might not see it in you. But it is deadly. It destroys relationships, embitters businesses, divides churches, breaks up marriages, makes dysfunctional families, and even brings down countries.
So real love, biblical love, godly love IS NOT ENVIOUS.
We will talk more about this Sunday.