We probably all have an answer that comes quickly to mind when we think of this question…terrorism, communism, greed, politics and politicians, war, poverty, climate change, etc. For Christians we would say such things as sin, the devil, and maybe we would say the church that is no longer the church.
Well, this Sunday I am going to look at a command from Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount and come to the conclusion that the main problem in the world is false teachers, false prophets, false leaders. The main problem in the world and in the church is leadership that does not lead with truth. They lead with lies.
So, Jesus commands us “beware of false prophets.”
I know, I know…he is addressing the spiritual problem in Israel that had always struggled with false prophets. But when Jesus came as the one true prophet, false prophets did not stop. They plagued the earliest church evidenced by the epistles in the New Testament. They continued to pollute the church throughout its history.
And false prophets and false teachers might be the main problem in the church today.
But it is not much of a jump to say that false prophets are not just in the church but in the world as well. False, lying, deceiving, greedy, violent, shameful, selfish leaders have marred our world from the beginning. Whether kings or queens, presidents or governors, doctors or lawyers, teachers or professors…there appears to be a downward trajectory in character, and it is rare to have a godly leader that stands for truth rather than themselves.
So come to Grace Chapel this Sunday and we will talk about it starting with Matthew 7:15 – 20.
See ya Sunday.