Let me start with an emphatic statement:
I believe there was an Adam and an Eve.
Think about this with me. It will stretch your mind and test your faith. There is no scientific evidence I can point to. There is no personal experience I can share. There are questions galore that I cannot answer. The existence of the first man and the first woman is not found anywhere else but the Bible. The narrative of God’s creation of all things
and of the first humans ring with the authorship problem
of “who knew this???” and “who says??”
Well, this is one place I can stand and say,
“I believe it because God said it.”
I know…I know…no one saw it firsthand and there were no cameras rolling. But isn’t that what faith is?
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen
was not made out of what was visible.”
(Hebrews 11:1 – 3)
So, by faith I say again…
I believe there was an Adam and an Eve.
But this Sunday I will take that another step:
I believe that Adam and Eve were the first married couple.
We are in our “Focused on the Family” series and in
speaking about marriage there is so much to learn
from the first married couple.
Come to Grace Chapel this Sunday (or watch our livestream on our Facebook page) and let’s start from scratch.
BTW, why don’t you tell one other married couple this week about our “Focused on the Family” series and invite them to come or watch us. There is a lot of hurt out there
(and in here) in regard to our marriages.
See you Sunday.