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Sunday Worship & the Word
February 19, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

For the past month we have been looking at the most important passages in the Bible about marriage, and that included a passage on divorce.
But this week we will begin a two week study of the family.
Think about it…the Bible is full of families. In the Old Testament they are called tribes, but a tribe is only an extended family. Genealogies are throughout the Bible, even one that begins the New Testament with the genealogy of Jesus. But what is a genealogy? It is the listing of one’s blood line with all the fathers for hundreds of years. And you throw in the multiple stores about babies and the impact of generation after generation following the Lord. Even all the teachings of the covenant are related to how God works…He works through families…fathers, mothers, children, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews…even in-laws!!
But this Sunday we will focus on Deuteronomy 6 where Moses gives instruction to the families of Israel about how they are to be faithful to their God.
That is what a godly family will do…be faithful to their God. It does not always happen. But when it does a powerful weapon for the kingdom of God is released.
So come to church this Sunday and get ready to get all of the ingredients of a godly family. Some you already know. Some will surprise you.