Our Youth Trip to XTREMEWINTER Conference in Gatlinburg, TN leaves Tuesday Dec. 31, 2019.
As the final arrangements are being made, we ask that you attend a short meeting with the Youth Leaders, after the service this coming Sunday 12/15.
We plan on giving out an itinerary, allow time for Q&A, and have you sign a consent form, as well as give you contact information for leaders/chaperones and lodging info.
Conference fees, transportation, and hotel rooms have already been paid for, IN FULL.
This retreat is FULL.
This meeting will be the final step of the process.
We can’t express enough, that we have to have the signed consent forms, for your youth to go…
Parents, thanks for all that you do to support us and Grace Chapel and please keep us in prayer for a safe and rewarding retreat.
We hope to see you all Sunday.
Youth Leadership Team