FCA @ Southside School

Grace Chapel meets every Tuesday morning with Southside's Fellowship of Christian Athletes group at Southside School 7am

Bible Study – Corinth

Dr. Pratt's Office 121 Pratt St. Suite A, Corinth, MS

Led by Doc and Anita Pratt at Dr. Pratt's office in Corinth MS, every other Wednesday 7pm

Winter Jam – Youth Trip

Bank Corp South Arena 375 E Main St, Tupelo, TN

Please see Jeff or Deedra Hollis for details about this youth trip to Winter Jam

Sunday Worship

Freddy T's 12750 Hwy 57, Counce, TN

Come as you are...everyone is welcome.

Mission Team Meeting

Freddy T's 12750 Hwy 57, Counce, TN

we will meet for a few moments after church.

FCA @ Southside School

Southside School

Grace Chapel meets every Tuesday morning with Southside's Fellowship of Christian Athletes group at Southside School 7am

Men’s Bible Study

Freddy T's 12750 Hwy 57, Counce, TN

Led by Pastor Don Elliott on the deck at Freddy T's 6pm

Journey of Hope – JOH

Freddy T's 12750 Hwy 57, Counce, TN

The next JOH meeting will be February 27TH 6:30 at Freddy T's. This is a safe, confidential support group for mothers with children of all ages who are dealing with addiction or mental health issues, to share one another's burdens, pray for each other and talk about real life. You are not alone! FOR MORE […]

Leadership Team Meeting

Freddy T's 12750 Hwy 57, Counce, TN

The leadership team meeting will be on the deck at Freddy T's 7pm